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About Me
My Works

Who Am I

I was born in Daegu, South Korea and currently live in NYC. I am a second-year student majoring in Advertising at SVA.

Contact me through my instagram or email!

My Works

Advertisement-Campaign Projects

1. Blood Blocks

To show the disgusting reality of how we treat animals, we created custom jenga set called Blood Blocks.

2. Missing Word, Missing World.

In the hope of always remembring Ukraine's pain, we have created a new font called "Inter Ukraine", using the existing Google font "Inter".
The letters U, K, R, A, I, N, and E in the new font are almost invisible, making any sentence look incomplete.

Branding projects

1. Anya-Taylor-Joy Branding

Launched a personal brand for Anya-Taylor-Joy.

2. First Story Theater Branding

With the theme of archetyp,"Explorer", launched a type-driven brand for a New York City off-Broadway theater company, First Story Theater.